Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Away message
11:06 PM | Posted by
SuthrnPrincess |
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I have been out over a week now preparing to move. We officially begin the moving process tomorrow and I will be without net for a few days. The unpacking will take me a bit as well. In other words I am going to be out for a few more weeks. I should be back before December 1st with new tutorials. Have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday!
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Loose Yourself In A Book
10:55 AM | Posted by
SuthrnPrincess |
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Tube of choice. I used the adorable work of TooshToosh.
PTU Kit Books R Best by Mama LLama Lisa Designs.
Mask of choice. I used Mask 4 by Tonya available at the Creative Misfits Blog (posted 9-8-11).
PlugIns: Eye Candy 5- Gradient Glow.
Fonts: Giddyup Std & Arial.
Let's Get Started:
Open a new 700 x 700 image.
Paste Frame 1. Image> Resize to 30%.
Paste Chair. Image> Resize to 40%. Position to the right of the frame.
Paste Bookstack 1. Image> Resize to 45%. Drag under the chair layer and position behind the chair.
Paste Compnotebook. Image> Resize to 15% and then to 75%. Image> Free Rotate to left 35 degrees. Position at the bottom right corner of the frame.
Paste Bookstack 1 again. Image> Resize to 25%. Image> Flip. Position in front of the yellow compbook and to the left a little.
Duplicate the book stack. Image> Resize to 65%. Image> Flip. Image> Mirror. Drag layer to above comp notebook. Position to the right of the larger stack.
Duplicate smaller stack. Image> Mirror. Position to the left top of the larger stack.
Paste Bookworm1. Image> Resize to 35%. Drag to top layer. Position over the worm on the frame.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 45, Blur 3, Color black.
Paste Paper 10. Image> Resize to 50%. Drag to bottom layer.
Select the frame layer and your wand tool. Click inside of the frame. Selections> Modify> Expand by 10. Selections> Invert. Select the paper layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Paste tube of choice. I resized my tube to 85%. Position inside of the frame. (If your tube sticks out from behind the frame then follow the same steps as you did with the paper layer so that it does not).
Add Drop Shadow to tube.
Create a new raster layer. Drag the new raster layer to the bottom. Flood Fill layer with the color of your choice. I used color #fd6951. It was a color from the tube.
Open a mask of your choice. I used Mask 4 by Tonya on the Creative Misfit Blog. Return to your tag.
Layers> New Mask Layer> From Image> Select the mask in the drop down.
Merge Group.
Duplicate and merge both together.
Add the wording of your choice with a font of your choice. I used Giddyup Std size 85 Bold color #71482b, stroke 2 with the same color.
Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise> Gaussian 60.
Effects> PlugIns> EyeCandy 5> Gradient Glow: Glow Type Outside, Glow Radius 5, Soften Corners 8, Overall Opacity 100, Distortion Amount 0, Distortion Lump Size 7, Gradient Smoothness 100, Color white.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 65, Blur 3, Color black.
Merge Visible.
Image. Resize to 600 x 600.
Add copyright.
Add name using font of choice. I used Arial size 36 color #e7c34c.
Duplicate the name. On the top name layer: Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise: Gaussian 45. On the bottom name layer: Gradient Glow to the same settings. Change the opacity to 30, and add drop shadow.
Merge Visible.
Save as PNG.
Thank you for allowing me to use this kit it is adorable and fun to work with!
PTU kit tut
Friday, November 04, 2011
Fall Beauty
5:42 PM | Posted by
SuthrnPrincess |
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I used the amazing work of Lady Mishka which is available at Pics For Design.
PTU Kit Nature Calls by Cindy at ChiChi Designz.
PlugIns: EyeCandy 5- Gradient Glow & Backlight
Fonts: Aquarelle & Bordeaux Light
Let's Get Started:
Open a new 700 x 700 image.
Paste Curled Frame. Image> Resize to 75%.
Paste Barrel. Image> Resize to 40%. Position at the bottom right of the frame.
Paste Crocus. Image> Resize to 75%. Drag layer behind Barrel and position to the left of the Barrel.
Paste Flower Doodle. Image> Resize to 95%. Drag layer to the bottom and position to the top right of the frame.
Paste Glitter Bling. Drag to bottom layer.
Paste Grass. Image> Resize to 95%. Drag above frame layer and position at the bottom. Use the Erase Tool to remove grass sprigs that are sticking off to the right of the barrel and are separated from the grass on the left.
Paste Oakfruit. Position to the right of the barrel and use erase tool to remove all of the fruit that is to the left of the barrel.
Paste Stonetrail. Image> Resize to 50%. Drag behind the frame layer. Position the stone trail to the right bottom of the image.
Paste String. Drag layer behind the Oakfruit layer and position to the bottom so that it is visible behind the Crocus.
Paste Swan. Image> Resize to 35%. Position at bottom left of frame.
Paste Tree. Image> Mirror. Drag layer behind frame layer and position to the left.
Paste Paper 3. Select your wand tool and the frame layer. Click inside of the frame with the wand. Selections> Modify> Expand by 5. Selections> Invert. Select the paper layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Paste Butterflies. Drag behind paper layer and position to the top left.
Paste your tube of choice. Drag layer above the paper layer. Position in the frame as desired.
Select your paper layer. Selections> Select All. Selections> Float. Selections> Defloat. Selections> Invert. Select the tube layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select none.
Effects> 3D Effecs> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 55, Blur 3, Color Black.
Add shadow to all layers except the paper layer and the Glitter Bling layers. Change the opacity to 45.
Merge Visible.
Image> Resize to 600 x 600.
Add Copyright.
Use the Eclipse Tool to draw a circle equal to the size of your frame.
Select the font tool and click along the top right edge of the circle.
Use a font of choice. I used Aquarelle size 60 Bold color #a74201. Adjust kerning and offset to your liking.
Right click on the word when you are satisfied with how it looks. A little window will show up. Select Convert to Curves> As Single Shape.
Edit> Cut. Edit> Paste As New layer.
Delete the Circle layer.
Position the words to the top right.
Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise: Gaussian 60 Monochrome checked.
Effects> PlugIns> EyeCandy 5> Gradient Glow: Glow Type Outside, Glow Radius 5, Soften Corners 8, Overall Opacity 100, Distortion Amount 0, Distortion Lump Size 7, Gradient Smoothness 100, Color white.
Effects> PlugIns> EyeCandy 5> Backlight: Backlight Direction 270, Backlight Distance 6, Expand 3, Drawing Mode Outline, Slices 2, Blur 0.50, Streaks 0, Streak Size 6; Smoothness 3, Color Black & White, Overall Opacity 27.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 60, Blur 3, Color Black.
Add name with font of choice. I used Bordeaux Light size 72 Bold color #a74201.
Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise: Gaussian 60 Monochrome checked.
Effects> PlugIns> EyeCandy 5> Gradient Glow: Glow Type Outside, Glow Radius 5, Soften Corners 8, Overall Opacity 100, Distortion Amount 0, Distortion Lump Size 7, Gradient Smoothness 100, Color white.
Effects> PlugIns> EyeCandy 5> Backlight: Backlight Direction 270, Backlight Distance 6, Expand 3, Drawing Mode Outline, Slices 2, Blur 0.50, Streaks 0, Streak Size 6; Smoothness 3, Color Black & White, Overall Opacity 27.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 60, Blur 3, Color Black.
Merge Visible.
Save as PNG.
Thank you Cindy so much for allowing me the use of this wonderful kit! I had fun working with it.
PTU kit tut
Happy Thanksgiving
12:03 PM | Posted by
SuthrnPrincess |
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Tube of choice. I used the beautiful work of Elias Chatzoudis available at his store.
PTU Kit Happy Turkey by Bubble's Dreams.
PlugIns (optional): Xero-Porcelain, Eye Candy 5- Gradient Glow.
Font: Aquarelle
Let's Get Started:
Open a new 700 x 700 image.
Paste Element 16.
Paste Paper 17. Image> Resize to 75%. Select wand tool and frame layer. Click inside frame with wand. Selections> Modify> Expand> expand by 10. Selections> invert. Selece the paper layer and then hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Paste Paper 4. Select the paper 17 layer. Selections> Float. Selections> Defloat. Selections> Invert. Select paper 4 layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Change the blend mode of the top paper (paper 4) to Soft Light. Duplicate the paper layer to where you have 3 paper 4 layer. Merge the paper 4 layers to paper 17 starting with the bottom layer one at a time.
Paste tube of choice. A close up works great in this tutorial but if you do not have one I am sure you will create something beautiful with whatever you do have.
Effects> PlugIns> Xero> Porcelain: Softness 50, Strength 128, Brightness 128, Red Channel 0, Green Channel 0, Blue Channel 255.
Duplicate the tube. Change the top tube layers blend mode to Soft Light. Merge the two tube layers together.
Select the paper layer. Selections> Float. Selections> Defloat. Selections> Invert. Select tube layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Paste Element 7. Image> Resize to 90%. Drag the element to the bottom layer. Image> Mirror. Image> Flip. Position to the top right of the frame.
Paste Element 21. Image> Resize to 85%. Image> Free Rotate> Right 90 degrees.
Position next to Element 21.
Paste Element 14. Image> Resize to 75%. Image> Mirror. Image> Flip. Drag under Element 21 layer. Position to the opposite side of Element 21 than Element 17.
Paste Element 27. Drag to top layer and position to the right of the tube.
Paste Element 26. Image> Resize to 75%. Drag under the bow layer. Position behind the bow.
Paste Element 25. Drag to top layer. Use your Selection Tool to draw a square around the bottom word (Thanksgiving). Edit> Cut. Edit> Paste as New Layer. Position both Element 25 layers at the bottom of the frame.
Paste Element 06. Image> Resize to 25%. Drag behind words layer. Position to the right of "Happy". Image> Mirror.
Paste Element 02. Image> Resize to 75%. Drag to the top layer and position over the "T" in "Thanksgiving". Duplicate the turkey. Change the top turkey's blend mode to Multiply. Merge the two turkey's together.
Paste Element 15. Image> Resize to 50%. Drag behind pumpkin layers and position to the right.
Add Drop Shadow (Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow) to all layers except paper and gold glitter/gem layers. I used settings: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 50, Blur 3, Color Black.
Merge Visible.
Image> Resize to 600 x 600.
Add Copyright.
Add name using font of choice. I used Aquarelle size 36 bold and selected color #fcaf04.
Effects> PlugIns> Eye Candy 5> Gradient Glow: Glow Type Outside, Glow Radius 5, Soften Corners 8, Overall Opacity 100, Distortion Amount 0, Distortion Lump Size 7, Gradient Smoothness 100, Color white.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 100, Blur 3, Color Black.
Merge Visible.
Save as PNG.
Thank you for the use of your wonderful kit! It was a pleasure to work with.
PTU kit tut
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Star Struck
12:53 AM | Posted by
SuthrnPrincess |
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Tubes of choice. I used Orkusart available at Pics For Design.
PTU Kit Star Struck by Kaci at Scrappin Krazy Designs.
PlugIns: Xero-Porcelain, EyeCandy 5- Gradient Glow & Backlight.
Font- Berlin Graffiti.
Let's Get Started:
Open a new 700 x 700 image.
Paste ele4 and position off center to the left and up slightly.
Paste ele3. Image> Resize to 80%. Drag behind ele4 and position down and to the right slightly. (Check out my example if you need a visual aid).
Paste pp8. Drag behind ele3. Select the wand tool and the bottom frame. Click inside of the frame. Selections> Modify> Expand by 5. Selections> Invert. Select the paper layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Paste Kacipp2. Image> Resize to 85%. and drag behind top frame. Select the wand tool and the top frame. Click inside of the frame. Selections> Modify> Expand by 5. Selections> Invert. Select the paper layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Paste Kaci4 and drag to bottom layer. Position at top left. Duplicate the layer. Image> Mirror. Image> Flip.
Paste Kaci26 and drag above black glitter layers. Position at bottom right and duplicate. Position the duplicate at the top left.
Paste Kaci12 and position to the top right of the top frame. Duplicate. Image> Flip. Image> Mirror.
Paste Kaci13 and drag layer under music note glitter layer. Position above frame on right. Duplicate the layer. Image> Flip. Image> Mirror. Use erase tool to remove part that is sticking out on the left top.
Paste ele5 and drag layer to top. Position over right of top frame.
Paste ele37 and drag above music glitter layer. Image> Resize to 97%.
Paste ele16 and drag above top frame. Duplicate and drag under top frame paper layer.
Select top ele layer and use erase tool on parts over top frame.
Paste ele12 drag to bottom layer. Image> Resize to 115%.
Paste ele13 and duplicate. Hide 1 layer. Drag the visible layer above the top frame paper and position in the top frame. Select the top frame paper layer. Selections> Select All. Selections> Float. Selections> Defloat. Selections> Invert. Select the visible ele13 layer and then hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Make the duplicate layer visible and select the layer to work with. Drag above the second paper layer. Select the bottom frame paper layer. Selections> Select All. Selections> Float. Selections> Defloat. Selections> Invert. Select the second ele13 layer and then hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Paste Kaci37 and drag below bottom paper layer. Position at the top left. Duplicate and position duplicate at the bottom left.
Select Black Ribbon layer. Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 40, Blur 3, Color black.
Do the same for top frame, bottom frame, star struck words both layers, bottom start struck chain layer, and both disco balls.
Paste the first tube of choice. Image> Mirror. Drag above bottom paper layer and position. Position in bottom frame and duplicate.
Select bottom tube. Effects> PlugIns> Xero> Porcelain: Softness 50, Strength 128, Brightness 128, Red Channel 0, Green Channel 0, Blue Channel 255.
Select the top tube. Adjust> Hue & Saturation> Colorize: Hue 226, Saturation 255. Change the top tubes blend mode to Overlay.
Merge the two tube layers together.
Select the bottom paper layer. Selections> Select All. Selections> Float. Selections> Defloat. Selections> Invert. Select the tube layer and then hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Paste the second tube of choice. Drag above top paper layer and position.
Effects> PlugIns> Xero> Porcelain: Softness 50, Strength 128, Brightness 128, Red Channel 0, Green Channel 0, Blue Channel 182. Duplicate the tube layer. Change blend mode to Soft Light.
Merge tube layers together.
Select the top paper layer. Selections> Select All. Selections> Float. Selections> Defloat. Selections> Invert. Select the tube layer and then hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 50, Blur 3, Color black (both tubes).
Merge Visible.
Image> Resize to 600 by 600.
Add Copyright.
Add name with font of choice. I used Berlin Graffiti sice 100 color #d15782.
Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise: Gaussian 55 monochrome checked.
Effects> PlugIns> EyeCandy 5> Gradient Glow: Glow type outside, Glow Radius 5, Soften Corners 8, Overall Opacity 100, Distortion Amount 0, Distortion Lump Size 7, Gradient Smoothness 100, Color white.
Effects> PlugIns> EyeCandy 5> Backlight: Backlight Direction 270, Backlight Distance 6, Expand 3, Drawing Mode outline, Slices 2, Blur 0.50, Streaks 0, Streak Size 6, Smoothness 3, Color black & white, Overall Opacity 27.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 50, Blur 3, Color black.
Merge Visible.
Save as PNG.
Thanks Kaci for allowing me use of this wonderful kit!
PTU kit tut
Monday, October 31, 2011
Twilight Love
11:29 AM | Posted by
SuthrnPrincess |
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Tubes of choice. I used David Desbois. He is a free to use artist that I have permission to use through a group. Please obtain his permission before using.
PTU Kit Twilight Wedding by Cindy at ChiChi Designz.
Plug Ins (optional): Gradient Glow & Backlight
Fonts: Baroque Script
Let's Get Started:
Open a new 700 x 700 image.
Paste Heart Frame.
Paste your first tube of choice. Position in the top heart. Select your wand tool and the frame layer. Click inside of the top heart. Selections> Modify> Expand by 7. Selections> Invert. Select the tube layer again and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Paste your second tube of choice. Position in the bottom heart. Select your wand tool and the frame layer. Click inside of the bottom heart. Selections> Modify> Expand by 7. Selections> Invert. Select the tube layer again and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Paste Paper 5. Drag behind bottom heart frame tube. Select your wand tool and the frame layer. Click inside of the bottom heart. Selections> Modify> Expand by 7. Selections> Invert. Select the paper layer again and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Paste Paper 18. Drag behind top heart tube layer. Select your wand tool and the frame layer. Click inside of the top heart. Selections> Modify> Expand by 7. Selections> Invert. Select the paper layer again and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Paste BlackRibbon. Image> Resize to 70%. Drag to the top layer and position on the right of the larger heart frame (like in my tag).
Paste BubbleTrail. Drag the layer under the heart frame layer. Select your wand tool and the frame layer. Click inside of both hearts. Selections> Modify> Expand by 7. Selections> Invert. Select the bubble trail layer again and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Change the Opacity of the Bubble Trail to 50% (located above the blend mode drop down and layer list on the right in PSP).
Paste Dove. Image> Resize to 50% and then resize again to 85%. Drag to the top layer and position to the top right of the frame.
Paste Flower. Image> Resize to 50% and then to 85%. Position at the bottom of the heart frame.
Paste FlowerTrail and drag to bottom layer. Position centered behind the frame.
Paste Fountain. Image> Resize to 50%. Drag behind bottom paper layer and position to the left of the top heart.
Paste Glitters. Drag to bottom layer.
Paste KeyString. Drag layer below bottom paper layer. Image> Resize to 85% and position at the bottom right where key is visible.
Paste Lanterne. Image> Resize to 50% and then 85%. Drag layer behind the Flower layer and position off to the right of the flower. Use erase tool to remove handle so that it is not over the tube.
Paste MusicSheets. Image> Resize to 85% and then 85% again. Drag behind the lanterne layer and position to left of flower. Use erase tool to remove the portion of the sheets that stick out behind the lanterne.
Paste Orchids. Image> Resize to 50%. Drag layer above frame layer and position at the top of the top heart. Duplicate. Image> Flip. Image> Mirror. Position with Pick tool to bottom right.
Paste Petals. Drag under key layer and position.
Paste Rings. Image> Resize to 50% twice and then 85%. Drag layer above black ribbon layer. Position to the left of the flower.
Paste ScatteredFlowers. Drag above Glitters layer (that will make it the next to the bottom layer).
Paste String Shaded. Image> Resize to 85%. Drag below the flower petal layer and position as desired.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 1, Horizontal 1, Opacity 30, Blur 3, Color black. Do this on the top 9 layers (layer 9 should be the heart frame).
Drop shadow tube layers: Vertical 2, Horizontal 1, Opacity 40, Blur 3, Color Black.
Drop shadow key, petals, and fountain layer the same as the top 9 layers.
Merge visible.
Image> Canvas Size> 630 width by 580 height.
Use Pick tool to reposition tag if it shifts off of the canvas when you resize the canvas.
Image> Resize: 600 width by 552 height.
Add copright.
Add name with font of choice. I used Baroque Script size 48 Bold color black.
Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise: Gaussian 55 Monochrome checked.
Effects> PlugIns> EyeCandy5> Gradient Glow: Outside, 5, 8, 100, 0, 7, white.
Effects> PlugIns> EyeCandy5> Backlight: 270, 6, 3, outline, 2, 0.50, 0, 6; 3, #e4b8ba and white, 27.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 1, Horizontal 1, Opacity 56, Blur 3, Color Black.
Merge Visible.
Save as PNG.
Thank you Cindy for allowing me the use of this wonderful kit.
PTU kit tut
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
12:26 AM | Posted by
SuthrnPrincess |
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Supplies Needed:
Three tubes of choice. Please follow artist TOU. I used the amazing work of Elias Chatzoudis available at his store.
PTU Kit Whos At The Door by SleekNSassy.
PlugIns: Xero-Porcelain, EyeCandy5-Gradient Glow.
Font of choice. I used Amazone BT
Let's Get Started:
Open a new 700 x 700 image.
Paste Frame. Duplicate the frame. Image> Resize to 45% and position at the bottom right of the frame. Duplicate again and position a little higher on the right side of the frame. Drag the higher small frame under the other small frame. (If this is confusing just look at my example :) ).
Adjust> Hue & Saturation> Colorize> hue 101, Saturation 204.
Select the other small frame. Colorize with Hue 187, Saturation 255.
Paste Paper 6. Image> Resize to 75%. Position behind the 2 small frames. Duplicate and drag behind each small frame.
Select the top small frame. Use your wand tool to select inside of the frame. Selections> Modify> Expand by 3. Selections> Invert. Select the paper layer for the top frame. Hit the delete key on your keyboard.
Select> None.
Repeat the same steps with the bottom small frame.
Paste Paper 8. Image> Resize to 75%. Drag under the large frame. Select the large frame. Use the wand and select inside of the frame. Selections> Modify> Expand by 4. Selections> Invert. Select the paper layer for the large frame. Hit the delete key on your keyboard.
Selections> Select None.
Paste Bag4. Image> Resize to 50%. Drag under the bottom paper layer and position off to the left of the large frame.
Paste Bat. Image> Resize to 35%. Use the Pick tool to rotate the bat slightly. Position at the top left of the frame. Duplicate. Use pick tool to rotate again and position to the left of the frame. Repeat twice placing on the right side this time.
Paste Boo1. Image> Resize to 65%. Position at the top of the frame slightly off center and drag to top layer.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 1, Opacity 50, Blur 5, Color Black.
Paste Candy Corn. Image> Resize to 15%. Position at the bottom corner of the bag and duplicate. Image> Resize to 75%. Drag layer under first candy corn. Rotate a little with the pick tool and position off to the left side slightly. Duplicate the small candy corn. Image> Mirror. Position to the right of the large candy corn.
Paste Cat 2. Image> Resize to 50%. Position to the bottom right of the frames.
Paste Doodle. Image> Resize to 75%. Drag under bag layer and position to the left. Duplicate. Image> Mirror.
Drag the Bat layer under the Doodle layer.
Paste Ghost Lamp. Image> Resize to 85%. Position to the left of the frame where it looks like the ghost is peaking out.
Paste Jackolantern2. Image> Resize to 25%. Then 75%. Drag to top layer and position to the left of the bag.
Paste Pumpkin. Image> Resize to 15%. Drag behind Jackolantern layer and position down slightly. Duplicate and position slightly to the left.
Paste Spider. Image> Resize to 25. Drag under cat layer and position to the left of the cat.
Paste Spider2. Image> Resize to 25%. Drag layer under bottom small paper layer and position to the left of the lower frame.
Paste Cauldron. Image> Resize to 25%. Position to the left of bottom small frame.
Paste first tube of choice. Image> Resize to 75% and position in the back small frame.
Effects> PlugIns> Xero-Porcelain: 50, 128, 128, 0, 0, 255. Duplicate the tube.
Adjust> Hue & Saturation> Colorize: Hue 101, Saturation 204.
Change Blend Mode to Overlay. Change Opacity to 50%. Merge together.
Select the paper layer behind the frame. Selections> Float. Selections> Defloat. Selections> Invert. Select the tube layer again and hit the delete button on your keyboard. Selections> None. Merge together.
Paste second tube of choice. Position and repeat the steps used on the first tube. Change the Hue and Saturation to 187 and 255. Change Blend mode to Overlay and leave opacity at 100.
Paste your third tube of choice. Drag above large paper layer.
Select the paper layer. Selections> Float. Selections> Defloat. Selections> Invert. Select the tube layer again and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Porcelain same as before. Duplicate. Change blend mode to soft light. Merge together.
Shadow the 3 tubes with the following settings. Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 1, Opacity 50, Blur 5, Color Black.
Shadow all elements except the bats with the settings vertical 2, horizontal 2, opacity 35, blur 5 color black.
Merge Visible.
Image> Resize to 600 x 600.
Add Copyright.
Add name with font of choice. I used Amazone BT size 90, Bold, Color #00c000.
Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise: Gaussian 25 Monochrome checked.
Effects> PlugIns> EyeCandy5> Gradient Glow: Glow Type Outside, Glow Radius 5, Soften Corners 0, Overall Opacity 100, Distortion Amount 0, Distortion Lump Size 7, Gradient Smoothness 100, color #85057f.
Drop Shadow Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 40, Blur 3, Color black.
Merge Visible.
Save as PNG.
Thanks Jen for allowing me to use his wonderful kit!
PTU kit tut
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Happy Halloween
11:15 PM | Posted by
SuthrnPrincess |
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Tube of choice. I used the awesome work of Ismael Rac available at his store.
PTU Kit Happy Halloween by Lost's PSP Mania
Font of choice. I used Brush Flash
PlugIns: Xero-Porcelain, EyeCandy5- Gradient Glow & Backlight (all optional)
Let's Get Started:
Open a new 700 x 700 image.
Paste Frame 5.
Paste Frame 3. Image> Resize to 75% and position at the bottom of the frame slightly off centered.
Paste Paper 13. Image> Resize to 75%. Drag under the double frame layer and position. Select your wand tool and the double frame layer. Click inside of both frames in the double frame. Selections> Modify> Expand by 10. Selections> Invert. Select paper layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard.
Selections> Select None.
Paste Paper 24. Image> Resize to 75% drag under circle frame and position as desired. Select your wand tool and the circle frame layer. Click inside of both frames in the circle frame. Selections> Modify> Expand by 10. Selections> Invert. Select paper layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard.
Selections> Select None.
Select Double frame layer and duplicate. Change the blend mode of the top double frame layer to Multiply and then merge together.
Paste Wordart "Happy Halloween". Image> Resize to 65%. Use the Selection Tool to draw a square around the word "Happy". Edit> Cut. Edit> Paste as new layer.
Position "Happy" at the top of the frame and "Halloween" at the bottom right of the frames.
Paste Bags1. Image> Resize to 85%. Drag the layer behind the paper frame for the double frame and position to the left.
Paste Bow5. Image> Resize to 85% and position behind "Happy".
Paste Vines1. Drag layer to bottom and position off to bottom left. Duplicate. Image> Mirror. Image> Flip. Change the opacity on both to 71%.
Paste Candy1. Image> Resize to 40%. Drag above double frame and position to the bottom middle where the two frames meet.
Paste Chain. Image> Resize to 75%. Drag layer behind the candy layer. Duplicate and drag layer behind the paper layer for the round frame.
Select the top chain and use your eraser tool to the right portion of the chain that hangs over the large frame.
Paste Cute Spider. Image> Resize to 35%. Position above right double frame.
Paste BunnyDevil. Image> Resize to 30%. Position at the bottom right of the double frame.
Paste Sparkles1. Drag layer above bottom paper and use pick tool to stretch to fit height wise.
Select the paper layer for the round frame. Selections> Float. Selections> DeFloat. Selections> Invert. Select the sparkle layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard.
Paste your first tube of choice. Position in the bottom right frame. Select the double frame layer and your wand. Click inside the right frame only. Selections> Modify expand by 5. Selections> Invert. Select tube layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard.
Selections> Select None.
Effects> PlugIns> Xero: Porcelain- Softness 50, Strength 128, Brightness 128, Red Channel 0, Green Channel 0, Blue Channel 255.
Duplicate the tube.
Adjust> Color> Red/Green/Blue> Red -22, Green -100, Blue 100. Change the opacity to 50% and the blend mode to Overlay. Merge the two layers together.
Paste your second tube of choice. Select the double frame layer and your wand. Click inside the left frame only. Selections> Modify expand by 5. Selections> Invert. Select tube layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard.
Selections> Select None.
Use Xero-Porcelain with the same settings.
Adjust> Color> Red/Green/Blue> Red 100, Green -28, Blue -88. Change the opacity to 75% and the blend mode to Overlay. Merge the two layers together.
Paste your third tube of choice. Position in large frame. Use Xero-Porcelain with the same settings on the tube. Duplicate tube. Change the blend mode to luminance. Merge the two together.
Select the paper layer for the big frame. Selections> Float. Selections> Defloat. Selections> Invert. Select the tube layer again and hit the delete key on your keyboard.
Drop Shadow all 3 tubes. Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 1, Opacity 50, Blur 5, Color Black.
Select the word art layers and add gradient glow to your liking and then shadow to the same settings.
Merge Visible.
Image> Resize 600 x 600.
Add copyright.
Add name using font of choice. I used Brush Flash size 72. Color #00c000.
Add Gradient Glow and/or Backlight to name with settings of choice if desired.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 75, Blur 5, Color Black.
Merge Visible.
Save as PNG.
Thank you Alisha for allowing me the use of your wonderful kit!
PTU kit tut
Monday, October 24, 2011
Magic Power
7:29 PM | Posted by
SuthrnPrincess |
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Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. I used the gorgeous work of Elias Chatzoudis available at his store.
PTU Kit One Trick Witch by Kaci from Scrappin Crazy Designs.
Wordart by Melissa at Melissaz Creationz available on the Creative Misfit Creations Blog.
Font of choice. I used Baroque Script.
PlugIns: Xero-Porcelain, Eye Candy 5-Glass & Gradient Glow.
Let's Get Started:
Open a new 700x700 image (will refer to it as a canvas from time to time).
Paste Frame 1.
Paste Paper 3. Image> Resize to 75%. Select your wand tool and the frame layer. Click inside of frame. Selections> Modify> Expand by 10, Selections> Invert, chose the paper layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Paste Tube of choice and position as you desire. Effects> PlugIns> Xero-Porcelain: Softness 50, Strength 128, Brightness 128, Red Channel 0, Green Channel 0, Blue Channel 255.
Duplicate the tube and change the top layers blend mode to Soft Light.
Merge the two layers together and add shadow. Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 40, Blur 3, Color white.
Select the paper layer. Selections> Float, Selections> DeFloat, Selections> Invert. Select the tube layer and hit your delete key. Selections> Select None.
Paste blackcat. Image> Resize to 65%. Position to bottom right of frame and drag layer to top.
Paste Boweyelet. Image> Free Rotate: Right 135 degrees. Place to the Right of the frame behind the cat and drag the layer behind the cat layer. Duplicate and drag duplicate under frame layer. Select the top bow eyelet and drop shadow to the same settings except for the color. Change it to black.
Use Erase Tool to remove the places where the top layer of eyelets is over the frame.
Paste Broom. Drag behind paper layer and position.
Paste Buttonbow and drag layer to top and place to top left.
Paste Ghost1 drag to bottom layer and position to the top left.
Paste Glitter1 and position to top right. Duplicate the glitter layer. Image> Mirror, Image> Flip.
Paste Jackolantern. Image> Resize to 50%. Drag this layer behind the black cat layer and position like in example.
Paste Web1. Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow. Change color to white but leave other settings the same. Change the Webs blend mode to Overlay and then drag layer under tube layer.
Paste Tree2 and drag layer above glitter layers. Place off to right behind cat and jackolantern. Image> Duplicate, Image> Mirror. Use Erase tool to remove the trees trunk that is showing on bottom.
Paste Spider1. Drag layer behind button bow. Image> Resize to 65%. Image> Mirror. Position the button bow. Drop Shadow this layer.
Paste Spider 2. Image> Resize to 50%. Position to the left of the jackolantern.
Open the wordart in your PSP and flood fill "Magic" and "Power" with the color #d1592a.
Effects> Plugins> EyeCandy5> Glass: Bevel Width 3, Bevel Smoothness 0, Round Selection Corners 3, Bevel Placement Inside, Glass Color #d96d73, Opacity 100, Tinting 0, Refraction 50, Inner Shadow Opacity 50, Drop Shadow Opacity 0, Shadow Offset 17.37, Shadow Glow 20; Direction 70, Inclination 84, Highlight Brightness 100, Highlight Size 100, Highlight Color #d1592a, Reflection Map None.
Select the Sparkle Layer. Adjust> Color> Red/Green/Blue: 100, 100, -100.
Shadow Magic and Power layers to the following settings: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 40, Blur 3, Color black.
Merge the three layers together and then copy paste it to your tag. Image> Resize to 85%.
Position to top left and drag to top layer.
Merge Visible.
Image> Resize to 600 x 600.
Add copyright.
Add name using font od choice. I used Baroque Script size 72, bold selected, color #7f983b.
Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise: Gaussian 95 with monochrome checked.
Effects> PlugIns> EyeCandy5> Gradient Glow: Glow Type Outside, Glow Radius 5, Soften Corners 8, Overall Opacity 100, Distortion Amount 0, Distortion Lump Size 7, Gradient Smoothness 100, colors I used are white and #d1592a.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 81, Blur 3, Color black.
Merge Visible.
Save as PNG.
Thank you Kaci and Melissa for the use of your wonderful creations. I extremely enjoyed using them for this project :).
PTU kit tut
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Fantasy (Cute)
1:23 PM | Posted by
SuthrnPrincess |
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Tube of choice. I used Lia with permission through several groups. Please do not use her work unless you have permission.
PTU Kit Fantasia by Cindy at Chichi Designz.
Font of choice. I used Annabel Script
Let's Get Started:
Open a new 700x700 image. (from time to time I will call it your canvas)
Paste Frame 4 shadow.
Paste Stone Trail. Image> Resize to 75%. Use Erase tool to remove some off of the right side. Posotion at the bottom of the frame.
Paste Branch. Image> Free Rotate> Right 90 degrees. Drag layer behind frame. Position and then use the erase tool to remove the part sticking out on the left behind the frame. Duplicate layer. Image> Mirror. Position like in example.
Paste Diamont Trail. Center behind frame.
Paste Bird. Image> Mirror. Image> Resize to 50%, then 85% twice. Position on the end of the ribbon at the top right.
Paste Book. Drag layer to bottom. Position behind the frame as desired.
Paste Butterfly. Image> Resize to 25%. Place in the bottom left corner of the frame. Drag layer to top. Duplicate layer. Image> Mirror. Position using pick tool on the bottom right of the frame.
Paste Cloud1 Image> Flip. Drag layer behind frame layer and position as desired.
Paste Glitter. Drag to bottom layer. Position as desired and use your erase tool to remove the 2 top glitter spots on the far left.
Paste Lantern. Image> Resize to 55%. Place behind the right butterfly.
Paste Leafs Drag layer above branch layer and position.
Paste Rainbow and drag layer behind bottom butterfly layer. Image> Resize to 75% and then to 75% again.
Paste Paper 8. Duplicate Image. Change Blend Mode to Exclusion. Merge the two layers. Image> Resize to 75% and then to 85%. Position as desired.
Select the Frame layer and your magic wand tool. Click inside of the frame with the wand. Selections> Modify> Expand> by 10. Selections> Invert. Select the paper layer and then hit the delete key on your keyboard.
Select the Diamont Trail layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard again.
Drag layer above paper.
Selections> Select None.
Paste tube of choice. Image> Resize to 75%. Drag the layer behind the Diamont Trail.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 40, Blur 5, Color white. Duplicate. Select original layer and change the blend mode to soft light.
Merge the bottom tube layer to the paper and then the top tube layer.
Start with the top layer of elements and add drop shadow to all except the Rainbow, Diamont Trail, Cloud, and Glitter. Drop Shadow settings: Vertical 2, Horizontal 1, Opacity 50, Blur 5, Color Black.
Merge Visible.
Image> Canvas Size: 650w x 635h.
Image> Resize: 600w x 586h.
Add Copyright.
Add name using font of choice. I used Annabel Script size 80, bold selected, color #e42380.
Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise: Gaussian 40
Drop Shadow: Vertical 3, Horizontal 2, Opacity 70, Blur 5, Color black.
Merge Visible.
Save as PNG.
Thank you so much Cindy for allowing me the use of this beautiful kit! I really enjoyed working with it.
PTU kit tut
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
A Bountiful Season
2:33 PM | Posted by
SuthrnPrincess |
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Tube of choice. I used the gorgeous work of Lady Mishka. You can find her work at Pics For Design.
PTU Kit November Harvest by Gina's Gems Scraps
Plug Ins: Xero-Porcelain
Fonts of choice. I used Canuth and Carlotta
Let's Get Started:
Open a new 700 by 700 image (Will refer to it as canvas from time to time).
Paste Decorative Twig Frame to canvas. Image> Resize (make sure all layers is unchecked) to 85%.
Paste the tube you have chosen to use. If it does not have a close up layer resize the tube slightly larger (if copyright allows) so that it fits the frame better.
Select the frame layer and your wand tool. Click inside of the frame. Selections> Modify> Expandy by 5. Selection> Invert. Select the tube layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard.
Selections> Select None.
Select the tube layer in your layer list. Effects> PlugIns> Xero: Porcelain- Softness 50, Strength 128, Brightness 128, Red Channel 109, Green Channel 106, Blue Channel 255. Duplicate tube layer (can do this by right clicking on the tube and selecting duplicate). Change the top layers blend mode to soft light (found above layer list). Merge tube layers together.
Paste Paper 26. Image> Resize to 75%.
Select the frame layer and your wand tool. Click inside of the frame. Selections> Modify> Expandy by 5. Selection> Invert. Select the paper layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard.
Selections> Select None.
Select tube layer. Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 3, Horizontal 2, Opacity 60, blur 5, color black
Select frame layer. Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 45, Blur 5, Color black.
Paste Beaded Rope Bow. Image> Resize to 65%. Image> Flip. In the layer list drag this layer to where it is the bottom layer (behind the paper layer) and position at the bottom.
Paste Branch Deco. Drag this layer under the Beaded Rope Bow layer and position centered behind the frame.
Paste Butterfly1 Image> Resize to 35%. Place over the orange flower on the frame.
Paste Candle Arrangement1. Image> Resize to 35%. Place at the bottom right corner of the frame. Make this your top layer.
Paste Tag1. Image> Resize to 85%. Use Pick Tool to rotate slightly (to a position that you like) and then place at the top right of the frame.
Paste Wordart1 Image> Resize to 75%. then 75% again. Drag to top layer and place at the bottom slightly off center.
Paste Tube again. Image> Resize 50%. Place on the left of the frame. Drag layer to bottom. Duplicate and drag to top. Using your erase tool remove the parts of the tube that cover the frame at the bottom (see my example). It is your choice to do this step or not.
Select bottom tube layer. Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 45, Blur 5, Color black.
Shadow anything you have not yet with the same settings.
Merge Visible.
Image> Canvas Size: 690 w by 650 h.
Image> Resize 600 w by 565 h.
Add copyright.
Add wording of choice. I added "A Bountiful Season". I used font Canuth, size 36, color #757633.
I added a gradient glow to it. If you like add one to yours.
Add name with font of choice. I used my pick tool to rotate it to fit the rectangular tag. I used font Carlotta, size 60, color #fe9e36.
Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise: Gaussian 40 Monochrome checked.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 3, Horizontal 3, Opacity 70, Blur 5, Color black.
Merge Visible.
Save as PNG.
Thank you for trying my tutorial. A huge thank you to Gina for allowing use of her kit!
PTU kit tut
Sunday, October 02, 2011
10:07 PM | Posted by
SuthrnPrincess |
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Tube of choice. I used Lady Mishka exclusive available at Pics For Design.
PTU Kit Fight Like A Girl by Lost's PSP Mania
Plug Ins: Xero-Porcelain
Font: Arial
Let's Get Started:
Open a new 700 x 700 image (will refer to it as canvas from time to time).
In the frame folder open Rectangle 2 and paste it to your canvas. Image> Resize to 50%.
In the paper folder open Paper 8 and paste it to your canvas. Drag the layer under the frame layer. Select wand tool and the frame layer. Click inside of the frame. Selections> Modify> Expand by 5. Selections> Invert. Select the paper layer and hit the enter key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Paste your tube of choice. Image> Resize to 85%. Position as desired. Select your paper layer. Selections> Select All. Selections> Float. Selections> DeFloat. Selections> Invert. Select the tube layer and then hit the delete key. Selections> Select None.
In the Elements folder open the Ticket and paste it to canvas. Image> Resize to 45% and then 75% again. Image> Free Rotate> Right 35 percent. Position at the bottom left corner of the frame and make it the top layer.
Paste Sparkles. Drag Sparkle layer above tube layer. Change the blend mode of the sparkles to Hue.
Select the paper layer. Selections> Select All. Selections> Float. Selections> Defloat. Selections> Invert. Select Sparkle layer and hit the delete key. Selections None. Lower the Opacity of the Sparkle layer to 55.
Select the Tube layer. Effects> Plug Ins> Xero> Porcelain: Softness 50, Strength 128, Brightness 128, Red Channel 173, Green Channel 0, Blue Channel 255.
Duplicate the tube. Change the top tube layer blend mode to soft light and merge down.
Paste Rose 2. Image> Resize to 65%. Position to the left of the frame slightly and drag to where it is the bottom layer. Duplicate the rose. Image> Free Rotate> Left 90 degrees. Position at the bottom of the frame and merge with the other Rose.
Effects> PlugIns> Xero> Porcelain: Softness 50, Strength 128, Brightness 128, Red Channel 0, Green Channel 0, Blue Channel 255.
Duplicate the Roses and change the blend mode of the to soft light and then merge back together.
Paste Property Stamp to canvas. Image> Resize to 75%. Position in the top right above frame. Use your wand to select the words Property Of. Selections> Modify> Expand by 1. Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise: Gaussian 40.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 3, Horizontal 3, Opacity 60, Blur 5, Color black
Shadow the original stamp and the frame the same.
Shadow tube, rose, and ticket Vertical 2, Horizontal 2, Opacity 55, Blur 5, Color black.
Paste Gem to canvas. Image> Resize to 80%. Drag layer to top and position in the top left corner offset just slightly.
Paste Curly Mess 1. Adjust> Color> Red/Green/Blue: Red -4, Green -100, Blue 100
Position towards the top. Duplicate. Image> Flip. Image> Mirror.
Paste Bow 3. Image> Resize to 85%. Drag layer behind Gem layer and position, Drop Shadow same settings as before.
Paste Awareness Ribbon. Image> Resize to 85% and place to right. Drag to top layer. Drop shadow.
Merge Visible.
Image> Canvas Size> 650w by 670h.
Image> Resize to 582w by 600h.
Add Copyright.
Add Name with font of choice. I used Arial size 48 color #f89cd3.
Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise: Gaussian 40.
Drop Shadow: 2, 2, 60, 5, black.
Merge Visible.
Save as PNG.
Thank you Alisha for allowing me to use your beautiful kit!!
PTU kit tut
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Elias Halloween
11:10 PM | Posted by
SuthrnPrincess |
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Tube of choice. I used the breathtaking work of Elias Chatzoudis available at his store.
FTU Kit Halloween by Justine that can be found on her blog Made by Justine
Let's Get Started:
Open a new 700x700 image.
Paste Frame. Image> Free Rotate Left 90 degrees.
Use the selection tool to select the orange portion of the frame. Selection> Promote Selection to Layer.
Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise: Gaussian 100 Merge together.
Paste tube close up (if the tubre you are using has one, if not then make sure to position the full body as desired). Drag layer behind frame.
Effects> PlugIns> Xero> Porcelain: 50, 128, 128, 182, 0, 173.
Duplicate tube layer and change the top tube layer blend mode to Hard Light.
Merge the duplicate down and then duplicate again. Drag top tube above frame and erase the bottom part of the tube that is over the frame.
Select the bottom tube. Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 3, Horizontal 2, Opacity 65, Blur 5, Color black.
Paste Paper 7. Adjust> Color> Red/Green/Blue: Red -42, Green -100, Blue -62.
Duplicate and change blend mode to Hard Light. Duplicate 2 more times. Merge each duplicate to the original separately starting with the bottom duplicate.
Image> Resize to 70%.
Select frame layer and use wand to click inside. Selections> Expand by 4, Selections> Invert, select the paper layer and then hit the delete key on your keyboard.
Paste String. Image> Mirror, Image> Flip, Image> Resize to 85%. Position in bottom corner.
Paste Vine 2 and place to left. Duplicate and mirror. Erase the bottom of both.
Paste Skully and resize to 50% and then to 85%. Place over string and duplicate. Erase the top part so that the string appears to come out of the skulls eye.
Paste Skull, mirror, Resize to 35%. Place at bottom left.
Paste Glitterborder and position at bottom of frame. Drag to bottom layer. Duplicate and flip. Duplicate again Image> Free Rotate Right 90 degrees. Duplicate and mirror. Use the eraser to remove the parts of the glitter border that stick up too high.
Paste Flower and Rotate left 90 degrees. Drag to bottom layer and position at bottom of frame.
Paste Fence, drage to bottom layer and position centered behind the frame.
Add drop shadow to all elements. Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: Vertical 2, Horizontal 1, Opacity 35, Blur 5, Color Black.
Merge Visible.
Image> Canvas Size: 690x650.
Image> Resize: 600x565
Add copyright.
Add name with font of choice. I used Arial Rounded MT Bold Size 65 color #f49209
Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise Gaussian 44.
Gradient Glow name to liking.
Shadow Vertical 3, Horizontal 2. opacity 60, Blur 5, Color black.
Merge Visible
Save as PNG
Thanks for trying this tutorial I hope you like the end result you achieved.
FTU Kit Tut
Test Me I Dare You
8:06 PM | Posted by
SuthrnPrincess |
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Tube of Choice. I used the gorgeous work of Jasmine Becket-Griffith available at CDO.
Plug Ins: MuRa's Meister Copies and Eye Candy 5 Gradient Glow.
Fonts of choice. I used Carleton and Anastasia.
Let's Get Started:
Open a new 700x250 image.
Paste the tube you chose. Duplicate the tube and hide the top layer.
Plug Ins> MuRa's Meister> Copies: Wallpaper, Random, 20, 100, 100, 0, 0, 100, 133, 0, 0
Adjust> Blur> Gaussian Blur 3
Unhide top tube and position to the right of the tag.
Effects> Illumination Effects> Lights> (This one is hard to explain) The first light angle should be at the top left 4 squares down from the top and four squares in from the left. Darkness 50, On checked, Color #ff0000, Intensity 40, Direction 135, Horizontal -70, Vertical -70, Scale 10, Smoothness 28, Cone Size 30, Asymmetry 500. The second light angle should be at the bottom left 5 squares from the bottom and 5 squares in from the left. Darkness 50, On Checked, Color #00ff00, Intensity 40, Direction 45, Horizontal -70, Vertical 61, Scale 10, Smoothness 28, Cone Size 30, Asymmetry 500. Third light angle should be placed at the bottom left of tube OFF canvas: Darkness 50, On Checked, Color #f982c8, Intensity 0, Direction 35, Horizontal -15, Vertical 121, Scale 67, Smoothness 76, Cone Size 35, Asymmetry 287. Fourth light angle should be in the bottom right corner Darkness 50, On Checked, Color #d2987f, Intensity 15, Direction 314, Horizontal 103, Vertical 99, Scale 10, Smoothness 28, Cone Size 46, Asymmetry 210. Fifth light angle should be above the tube and to the right of the top corner and off aways. Darkness 50, On Checked, Color #309ae9, Intensity 40, Direction 222, Horizontal 117, Vertical -126, Scale 10, Smoothness 28, Cone Size 30, Asymmetry 274. Hit Okay.
Use Soften Brush to soften the left side of the tube a little so that the edge does not stand out as much.
Under the Preset Tool select the Rectangle tool and draw a rectangle on the left side of the canvas (see example) Color #309ae9. Use Wand to click inside Rectangle. Select the Copied tube layer and Selections> Promote Selection to Layer
Adjust> Blur> Gaussian Blur 5. Do it Twice and change blend mode to Color.
Select the rectangle layer. Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise: Gaussian 100.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow Vertical 3, Horizontal 2, Opacity 100, Blur 5, Color Black.
Add phrase with font of choice. I used Carleton size 55 Bold using the same color as the rectangle. Noise the same as the rectangle.
I added a slight white and black Gradient Glow. I did not right the numbers down because it is so slight I thought it would be better for you to make the decision on the settings that look right for your tag.
Drop Shadow with same settings except change opacity to 50.
Merge Visible.
Image> Add Borders> Symmetric 6, Color #01395e
Drop Shadow: Vertical 3, Horizontal 3, Opacity 60, Blur 5, Color black.
Shadow again changing vertical and horizontal to -3.
Merge Visible.
Image> Resize 600x221
Add Copyright.
Add name with font of choice. I used Anastasia size 72 same color as the phrase.
Shadow the name making sure to select on separate layer
Noise 60 on name layer and chane the opacity to 85.
Change shadow opacity to 50.
Merge Visible.
Save as PNG.
Thanks for trying the tutorial I hope you did not have any problems and found it well explained. If not I am so sorry please let me know.
No Scrap Tut
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- SuthrnPrincess
- I am a mom of 5 rambunctious and audacious kids. 1 girl and 4 boys. I started out tagging and fell in love with my PSP. I am with the most wonderful man in my world, George. If you make something with a mask or template I would love to see it. Please feel free to email me at georges_princess@yahoo.com. If you make a tutorial please link back to my blog for supplies do not include my materials nor link to my file share site. I would love to put your tutorial link on my blog so please feel free to email me :).
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