Welcome & Disclaimer

Hello & welcome to SuthrnPrincess Tuts. I am so excited that you stopped in to see what I have made with the gorgeous tubes and fabby kits that are out there. You will find FTU & PTU kits as well as FTU & PTU Tubes are used in my tutorials. If you run into a problem on a tut please feel free to email me and I will help if I can. My use of a FTU tube does not give you permission to use it. I have obtained permission either from the artist themselves or through a group to use their artwork. You need to personally contact them to obtain permission before using.


The tuts contained within this blog are my own creation. They came from my brain and were created by my own hand. Any resemblance to the works of others is completely coincidental.

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Monday, December 10, 2012

postheadericon Golden Christmas PTU

PTU kit Christmas Spirit by Pimp'd Designz available at Pimp My Tags With Scraps.
Tube of choice. I used Zindy S.D. Nielsen available in her store.
Mask_AR315_CMC_Mask71 by Aqua available on the Creative Misfits Blog (posted 5-25-10).
Let's Get Started:
Open a new 700 by 700 image.
Paste frame-02.
Paste pp-06. Image>Resize to 85. Drag below frame. Select frame. Click inside of the frame with the wand tool. Make sure the entire inside of the frame is selected. Selections> Expand by 5. Selections> Invert. Select the paper and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Paste paper again. Image>Resize to 85%. Drag to the bottom.
Open mask in psp.
Select the tag you are working on. Layers> New Mask Layer> From Image. Find the mask in the source window drop down. Select source luminance. Deselect invert mask data. Click ok.
Right click on mask layer in layer list and merge group. Use pick tool to tretch mask as desired. Recenter with pick tool. Duplicate the mask twice and merge all three mask layers together.
Paste tube. Drag behind the frame layer. Position as desired.
Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow: vertical 2, horizontal 2, opacity 50, blur 7, color black.
Select the paper layer. Selections> Select All. Selections> Float. Selections> Defloat. Selections> Invert. Select the paper layer and hit the delete key on the keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Change the tube layer blend mode to Luminance (L).
Merge down.
Paste garland. Image>Resize to 85%. Drag above the mask layer. Position behind the frame.
Paste branch. Drag behind the garland. Position at the top. Erase the bottom.
Paste gift-01. Image> Free Rotate to the right 90 degrees. Drag to the top. Position over the frame.
Drop shadow changing opacity to 30 and blur to 5.
Paste snowflake-01. Image>Resize to 75%. Position at the bottom left.
Drop shadow changing opacity to 20.
Paste snowflake-02. Image>Resize to 55%. Position over the first snowflake.
Drop shadow changing opacity to 15.
Paste flower-02. Image>Resize to 35%. Position over flake 2.
Drop shadow changing opacity to 10.
Merge visible.
Image> Canvas Size: 690 width by 685 height.
Recenter with pick tool.
Image>Resize to 650 width by 645 height.
Add copyright.
Add name Uechi size 72 Bold color #adb5b4.
Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise: Gaussian 25 monochrome checked.
Drop shadow changing opacity to 100.
Merge visible.
Save as PNG.




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I am a mom of 5 rambunctious and audacious kids. 1 girl and 4 boys. I started out tagging and fell in love with my PSP. I am with the most wonderful man in my world, George. If you make something with a mask or template I would love to see it. Please feel free to email me at georges_princess@yahoo.com. If you make a tutorial please link back to my blog for supplies do not include my materials nor link to my file share site. I would love to put your tutorial link on my blog so please feel free to email me :).
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